Monday, November 28, 2011

All Moved In

I did not write the week before this, because not much was going on and I know that it is hard to believe because I am an exchange student. It wasn't because I was being lazy, it was just because nothing was really going on, but this last weekend a lot happened. On Friday it was time to pack to move in with my next host family. It is definitely like me to start packing the night I had to bring my stuff over. Amazingly it didn't take to long, but goodness, I have a lot more stuff with me then what I came here with. I had to bring two seperate bags with me just to pack everything, but that could also be because I am quite bad at packing. Friday night was my last night with my first host family. I still can not thank them enough for being a part of this opportunity and for being such a great host family. It was definitely hard to leave them, but thankfully they live about a mile away. Saturday night, all three host families came together to celebrate Thanksgiving. The food was almost exactly the same as back home in Arizona (turkey, mashed potatoes, bread, stuffing, etc) but I am in Europe so I can't expect it to be the same. It really reminded me of the holiday Thanksgiving. On Thursday I said all that I was thankful for, but on Saturday during dinner, I really thought about what I said to myself. I realized how truly blessed I actually am. I have a great family waiting for me back in Arizona/Maryland/Illinois/Pennsylvania, and the 3 host families that I have here are great. I thank God for blessing my family and I. One thing this exchange has done for me is make me realize and appreciate my surroundings even more. I have been here for almost 4 months now and I am already looking forward to the day that I get to stare my family in the eyes again, but I also know that saying goodbye to the life that I have established here is going to be extremely difficult. I am going to bring so much knowledge with me back to the USA and I can't wait for that day to come. But for now, I am going to enjoy the remainder of my time here in the Netherlands because it is going by quickly. Back to the Thanksgiving dinner....I was able to socialize with my third host family more during the dinner and I know that I am going to enjoy my time there as well. When the dinner was over, it was time to say goodbye to my first host family and move onto the next. It was hard saying goodbye to them, but I knew that the second host family was great too and I was right. I have only been with them for 2 days so far, but I really like it. We get along great, and I am really looking forward to the rest of my stay with them. On Sunday, we took my little host sister to a little Sinterklaas party (a really popular holiday here) that I found to be quite nice. I really enjoy going out and celebrating the traditions here and every time I get the opportunity to become a part of the tradition I immediately jump on the opportunity. Today was just another normal day at school, so as usual I enjoyed it. Well depending on what goes on this weekend, I might update again in another week, but I am not sure yet. Thanks for reading.

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